About Us

Discipling Men, Inc. is a ministry to grow men in Christ.
It equips men to evangelize and disciple others in adherence to the Great Commission mandate, "go make disciples"  Mathew 28:19
The Executive Director, Rev. Don Riley works with and through a Board of Directors to carry out a measurable plan that:
  • Meets with men in small groups.
  • Ministers to men in the Mid-South.
  • Mobilizes men to go beyond their comfort zone and do great things for God's kingdom.



Why is this Ministry Needed?
Jesus said in Luke 10: 2, The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. There are few ministries in the Memphis and Mid-South that address growing men in Christ in and through small groups. DMI is geared to that end.