Ministry Update, December 2020

Dear Friends of Discipling Men, Inc.,
God’s faithfulness abounds (1Thess. 5: 24). God’s faithfulness was abundant this year. Were there challenges for the world, our country, for you personally and for this ministry? The answer is like putting a strangle hold on the obvious. The virus, the economy, the virus, the election, the virus, racial unrest, the virus, riots in cities, and the virus. But, God. He was not on vacation. 
God did not sit in heaven wringing His hands. God continued to use His Word, His Spirit, and His grace to move forward on all fronts. We look not to the seen, but to the unseen (2 Cor. 4: 18).
Troop 86 gave me a generous reception in January for my serving twenty years as Scoutmaster. 
A significant number of the seventy one Eagle Scouts were able to attend, including Daniel who surprised me, and flew in from New Jersey!!
Susan and I, through Discipling Men, Inc worked with Jerry Roberts to take eighteen to Israel the first week of March. We were able to leave the country the day before Netanyahu closed down Israel. Our guide Yuval Shaked, working in and through Morning Star Tours in Dallas provided for a transformational trip to the Holy Lands. We walked where Jesus walked, we studied where Jesus taught, and we were refreshed where Jesus healed. We are going back with Yuval and Morning Star in April of 2022.

In spite of the Covid 19 virus most of the ministry continued in and through 2020, sometimes by Zoom. The monthly Crosstalk ministry went on hold the second half of the year. We hope to resume Crosstalk in 2021. The Cuba evangelism trips were put on hold. We hope to resume the evangelistic outreach in partnership with East/West Ministries in 2021. Nexus started back in person in the fall. Serving on the Board, and yearly mentoring helps keep discipleship vibrant in and through the Memphis business community.
The Emergency Services of the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office was only furloughed four months. Now I am back serving as Chaplain and riding Rescue. We are able to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus Christ to both those in need as well to the first responders we assist. 
The weekly five Bible study groups continue and have continued either by Zoom or in person. All but one is now back meeting in person. God’s faithfulness in enabling me to co-teach with Nick Bragorgos the Growing in Grace Class at Second Presbyterian Church has been a privilege and an honor. This vibrant assemblage has been a rich blessing especially when we encountered Covid 19 personally on the home front. Susan was taken to the hospital by ambulance with Covid 19 and pneumonia. After five days, God was kind enough to restore her and has continued to heal her these last days in December.
The faithfulness of God is book worthy. Perhaps His faithfulness will be incorporated in a book entitled “Why Pray When You Can Worry?” The faithfulness of God in filling chapters continues to be written due to the generosity and kindness of your gifts. The faithfulness of God’s timing and provision is a testimony to His grace and love. Thank you for being a part of the process. 
In Christ’s Great Commission of Matthew 28:19, 20,
Don Riley