Discipling Men, Inc. 2024
Psalm 86:15
What a great and faithful God we serve! From the intercessory start in a prayer room in 2002, to the present, God shows His daily faithfulness in enabling us to grow men in Christ.

Early in 2024, we prayed, and worshipped with leaders at the National Prayer Breakfast. Then in March, through the Friends of the Germantown Community Library, we were able to host Cindy Brinker Simmons as she gave her joyous lecture and signed her book “Restored”. Each month, we serve on the Thunderbird Eagle Board, which keeps us encouraged about the excellence the BSA still provides.

Nexus Leaders, Inc. enables us to disciple young protégés. What a great opportunity for Discipling Men, Inc. to serve as a mentor and Board Member. Mark Jenkins, Jerry Roberts, and I lead in the men’s monthly Cross Talk meeting. Discipling Men, Inc serves with the Barnabas breakfast, as well as conducting weddings, baptisms, and funerals. Jerry Roberts, Rob Crump, Rhea Taylor, and I spoke to various men’s groups, senior facilities, and retreats this year.
Your participation financially enables Discipling Men, Inc. to advance His kingdom with the Growing in Grace Sunday School Class, through various weekly Bible Studies, Scouting, Emergency Services, and chaplaincy through the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office. We teach apologetics to a strong group of homeschoolers through an organization called SWAT: “Students with a Purpose”.

In adherence to the Great Commission of Matthew 29:19-20 to go make disciples, we take various evangelistic and discipleship trips, training the men “here” to go share “there”. We find that this training enables all of us to be more intentional everywhere. "But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me. And you also will bear witness, because you have been with me from the beginning.” (John 15:26-27).
We are more attuned to the leading of the Holy Spirit because of these mission trips. We hope next year to go back to Cuba where 308 professed Christ, to teach again in Malawi, and then do a new conference in Mexico in 2025.

We trust God who invites us to pray. Prayer sustains us, in that God loves to hear His men pray. Prayer has a multiplying impact on this ministry and the families involved. Even though, like all ministries, we may want to worry, God through Paul in Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but by prayer and supplication make your requests known to God.” In other words, why worry when you can pray? Will you join with us in celebrating the great faithfulness of God toward us, with an end-of-the-year gift? We thank God and you, for your kind and generous partnership with us in growing men in Christ for His glory.
In Christ,
Don Riley