Ministry Update, December 2019
Tuesday, December 3rd, I was asked to speak to the Cub Scout pack at Second Presbyterian. I gave them the acrostic GROW: that to grow spiritually, they should: Go to God in prayer, Read their Bible daily, Obey His word, and Worship Him.
Then I told them what seven of us will do next week in Cuba presenting the Gospel. That night five Cub Scouts prayed to receive Christ. I thought of a recent campout where six scouts and two dads in the troop also asked Christ to come into their lives. Earlier this year during the God and Country Religious Award classes, four scouts and two other dads made first time commitments to Christ. Earlier in the year, the Holy Spirit used our team in Cuba to lead 581 to Christ, 115 of whom I prayed with.
Then a team of us from Second Presbyterian Church taught in Malawi where 75 leaders prayed to receive Christ. A young couple I recently married also prayed to receive Christ. December 6th, a team of us will go to Cuba and who knows how the Holy Spirit will work! 202 have prayed with Discipling Men, Inc. so far this year.
Men have been trained in evangelism, Church leaders have been taught theology in Malawi. Discipling Men Inc. has multiplied its influence through the chaplaincy for the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office, as an emergency responder, through four small groups, and through teaching significant Sunday Morning classes, the Growing in Grace Class and the Jeb Russell Class. Monthly, between 35 and 45 men meet in a creative business outreach called Crosstalk. They hear businessmen share how the cross has made a difference in their lives. So, God continues to bless and multiply this ministry.
Next year, we hope to go on at least three trips in partnership with East-West Ministries and at least one through Second Presbyterian. In addition, we hope to lead another trip to the Holy Land on March 4 – 15, 2020. For those interested, see
What a great 2019. What a joyful opportunity to officiate at Carlee and Daniel’s wedding! We are so thankful to God for making that such a special celebration.
Please pray about generously giving an end of the year gift. We thank God for you for being an integral part of multiplying lives, making disciples, winning souls, and building up the body of Christ of all ages.
To God be the glory.
Then I told them what seven of us will do next week in Cuba presenting the Gospel. That night five Cub Scouts prayed to receive Christ. I thought of a recent campout where six scouts and two dads in the troop also asked Christ to come into their lives. Earlier this year during the God and Country Religious Award classes, four scouts and two other dads made first time commitments to Christ. Earlier in the year, the Holy Spirit used our team in Cuba to lead 581 to Christ, 115 of whom I prayed with.
Then a team of us from Second Presbyterian Church taught in Malawi where 75 leaders prayed to receive Christ. A young couple I recently married also prayed to receive Christ. December 6th, a team of us will go to Cuba and who knows how the Holy Spirit will work! 202 have prayed with Discipling Men, Inc. so far this year.
Men have been trained in evangelism, Church leaders have been taught theology in Malawi. Discipling Men Inc. has multiplied its influence through the chaplaincy for the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office, as an emergency responder, through four small groups, and through teaching significant Sunday Morning classes, the Growing in Grace Class and the Jeb Russell Class. Monthly, between 35 and 45 men meet in a creative business outreach called Crosstalk. They hear businessmen share how the cross has made a difference in their lives. So, God continues to bless and multiply this ministry.
What a great 2019. What a joyful opportunity to officiate at Carlee and Daniel’s wedding! We are so thankful to God for making that such a special celebration.
Please pray about generously giving an end of the year gift. We thank God for you for being an integral part of multiplying lives, making disciples, winning souls, and building up the body of Christ of all ages.
To God be the glory.