Discipling Men, Inc. 2023

The Great Commission of Matthew 28:19-20 tells us to “go” make disciples of all nations. The five of us who went, November 4th through the 11th, could have stayed home. By going to the poor section of Cancun that week, we experienced 295 who prayed to receive Christ. We could have stayed home. If we had stayed home, the five of us could have continued to lead ministries, lead companies, consult companies, and lead a medical practice. We left family, safety, raised support, and engaged in door-to-door evangelism. Yes, it was only a week compared to those who go to the field full time, but for many, even a week is a sacrifice. It was minor service compared to what Christ went through for us. But, because we went, 295 souls transitioned from darkness to light, from spiritual death to spiritual life.
Our going does not make us more acceptable to God’s kingdom. We are accepted due to the cross of Christ, our knowing Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Our going and making disciples is our response to His Great Commission Mandate. We know that this response is pleasing to God. God is pleased with you as prayer warrior, one growing in Christ through the various facets of this ministry, and as a financial giver.
Your participating financially enables Discipling Men, Inc. to advance His kingdom through Crosstalk, through Nexus, Growing in Grace Sunday School Class, through various Bible Studies, weddings, funerals, baptisms, Scouting, Emergency Services, Chaplaincy through the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office and mission trips. Pray, as we are hopefully going to Cuba, Africa, and Mexico again in 2024.
God is glorified because of you. Help us to end this year in His strength. Help us continue to “go” make disciples. Help us to continue to enable men to grow in Christ through meeting with them, ministering to them and mobilizing them. Go with us, pray powerfully, give generously, lift high the cross and make disciples. To God be the glory.
In Him,
Don Riley